As you know, brushing is one of the most important parts of keeping your oral health in tip-top shape. It is key to form good oral hygiene habits early in childhood to give your child a head start on a healthy smile. It can be difficult to have your child brush, let alone with good technique. Here are a few tips that will help you to develop your children’s brushing habits properly.
Start Them Young
It is important that your child is used to having their mouth cleaned. We recommend that before they have teeth you begin wiping them with a clean cloth at least once a day after nursing. Not only will this clean their mouth, it will allow them to get used the feeling of brushing. With a clean mouth, gums will be healthy and eruption of teeth will be easy.
Toothpaste and Your Kid
Presenting a good oral hygiene routine to your children can improve their brushing habits. If they can sit with you in the morning or evening while you brush your teeth, they often will want to mimic you. What is more fun than getting to do what mom and dad does? Modeling proper brushing and flossing techniques can also help them to understand the right ways to brushing and flossing. If your child is under 3 years old, they should only brush their teeth with close supervision.
For children under age 2, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry endorses a tiny smear of fluoridated toothpaste. A pea-sized amount is recommended for children under six years of age, but read the fine print on the tube for recommendations. Keep toothpaste out of reach of children, they may attempt to eat it.
Fluoride is helpful in preventing dental caries. Fluoride reduces the incidence of dental caries and slows or reverses the progression of existing lesions. Although sealants, oral hygiene, and appropriate dietary practices contribute to caries prevention and control, the most effective and widely used approaches include fluoride use. We encourage you to pay attention to the type of toothpaste you give small children; fluoride levels vary from product to product. Too much fluoride can be considered acute toxic.
Please call our office at (916) 926-0001 if you have questions or are unsure about your child's toothpaste.
Make it Fun
There are so many great ways to help make an oral hygiene routine enjoyable for kids. There are lots of various characters on kids brushes, flosses, and toothpastes. From superheroes to fun songs and light-up toothbrushes, there is sure to be something in the oral hygiene aisle that will make them excited to brush.
Try to pick a toothpaste with fluoride in it as it goes a long way to help keep their teeth strong. It may take one or two toothpastes before finding one that they approve of the toothpastes taste. Brushing with an unfavorable taste, can discourage your children.
Also, a reward system is a great way to encourage enthusiasm! Stickers and fun prizes can go long way to make something that might seem boring more fun. Ask the front desk for a motivational chart, where when completed, can choose a prize from our treasure chest.
Supervise Them
Make sure that you are present to supervise and help their brushing and flossing sessions until they get the routine down. Often they will try their best, but still miss some spots. Having you around will help to ensure they get the technique right and don’t put anything in their mouth that they shouldn’t. Things to really keep a close eye on are some of the different flossing tools available on the market, as they can present a choking hazard.
Please give u a call today at (916) 926-0001 to setup an appointment for your child to see us today. We are excited to help with their oral health education!
We smile when you smile.
Dental Care For Infants, Toddlers And Adolescents